More and more requested by large companies, IT outsourcing services allow managers to concentrate on their main activity without having to take care of the IT system. The management of the computer park is often technical and complex. This is why many business leaders call upon the skills of an external company to take care of all activities related to this field. This allows them to focus on their core business. What does this service really consist of and what advantages does it represent?


Outsourcing and IT outsourcing are two services that consist in soliciting an external service provider so that it manages part or all of the services related to IT functions. This can be infrastructure management, network and security management, desktop management, strategic administration or help desk services. In any case, these operations may not be performed by the company due to a lack of expertise. Clearly, the specialized agency manages the computer park for you. This includes everything related to the support, the network and the maintenance of the computer network. While it is possible to hire in-house personnel to perform these tasks, this solution can be time consuming and will involve more payroll. Furthermore, when the company does not have the necessary resources for the installation and management of its computer system (or IS), the advice and support of an experienced company will be essential. The manager can solicit the services of a single agency that will take charge of the management of the information structure. He can also use several service providers who provide different solutions to the company. In all cases, outsourcing allows you to reduce operating costs and to focus on the tasks that are essential to you. For more information, visit dedicated sites like


Outsourcing IT management offers many financial and practical benefits to the company. To begin with, it will be easier for you to control technology costs since outsourcing is generally invoiced on a fixed basis determined at the signing of the contract. This will allow you to budget production more effectively. Since hiring and training IT staff can also be costly, outsourcing offers you the opportunity to save on training costs, salaries and payroll taxes. Because the service providers you hire are trained, qualified and experienced in the field, you can also enjoy a successful implementation that meets your expectations. This will also reduce research and development time, allowing for a satisfactory customer experience while increasing the company's efficiency and competitiveness. The use of a company specialized in outsourcing also reduces the risk of failure or error in terms of security and compliance with regulations. Finally, the maintenance and support services are very reactive, which considerably improves the security and performance of the IT assets.


In order to meet the expectations and the needs of each company manager, the outsourcing services are declined under different solutions and different formulas. For example, if you wish to entrust the management of your IT to a foreign country, opt for an offshore outsourcing contract. To reduce travel and facilitate exchanges, you can also choose local outsourcing and then use an agency located in a neighboring country but sharing the same borders. Onshore support allows you to benefit from the intervention of a subcontractor located in the same country who performs remote management from the site.  For those who need partial assistance, it is also possible to turn to cloud computing. In this case, the specialized agency provides services for hosting the website, computer program, etc. on the cloud. Other companies also offer management of administrative functions such as telephony, messaging, VPN and firewalls or monitoring and reporting.


If you are considering using a company that specializes in IT outsourcing, start by checking the services they offer. A trustworthy provider will be able to guarantee the maximum security and a complete management of your IS while proposing you tools and solutions adapted to your field of activity. The reactivity of the subcontractor will also be essential. Some problems can indeed occur during high productivity phases, which is why the support and the intervention of technicians must be done quickly or else considerable losses will occur. The offers related to the security of the computer park must also deserve your attention. They can be complete, partial or not included in the outsourcing contract depending on your needs. Do not hesitate to ask about the costs of the service. In fact, consider asking for a quote from several agencies. You can then compare the services, insurance and rates offered by these agencies to find the best deal. If you are using a national provider, hire a managed services company located near your headquarters to reduce travel costs.